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BYOF - Bring Your Own Fetch

In some cases, you may want to use this package without a fetch polyfill or fetch the data yourself with your own fetch implementation such as Axios or Express.

This package can be used in URL Builder mode, which means you can use the endpoint helper functions to get the full API endpoint URL string, but skip the built-in fetch request.

Alternate Use of This Package

There are two ways to use this package as a URL Builder for the VPIC API. You'll still get automatic query string building, encoding, and format=json appended to the URL or body string, but fetching is left up to you.

  • Option 1 (recommended): Use the endpoint helper functions (DecodeVin, etc.), but pass false as the last argument of the function to skip internal use of fetch and instead return the full VPIC url string to use how you want.

  • Option 2: The useNHTSA composable function. You can use it to build a custom VPIC url with any endpoint name, path, or query params.

Either option is useful:

  • if you want to use your own fetch implementation, like Axios or Express.

  • if your project runtime doesn't support native fetch and you can't / won't use a polyfill.

Option 2 is mainly useful:

  • if the API changes and you want to try the new/updated endpoints or pass new parameters before they're added to this package.

Option 1: Set doFetch to false

This is the easiest way to use your own fetch implementation and/or not use a fetch polyfill.

You can prevent the endpoint helper functions (DecodeVin, etc.) from making the request and instead return the full API endpoint URL for you to use with your own fetch implementation.

To use it in this way, pass boolean false as the last (or only depending on endpoint) arg of the endpoint helper function. The endpoint helper function will then return the full API endpoint URL and skip fetching the request for you.

const url = await DecodeVinValues(
  { modelYear: 2018 },

// url = ''

This sets the doFetch option to false and skips the fetch request. Instead, the function will return a full VPIC URL string ready for fetching data in the JSON format.

In most cases, simply give false as the last/only argument.

POST Requests

POST requests require special handling via the useNHTSA composable function. If you pass false as the last arg for POST endpoitns, it will return the correct VPIC URL string but you'll still need the POST body properly formatted and certain headers set.

Note that DecodeVinValuesBatch is the only VPIC POST endpoint.

See Create URLs for POST Endpoints section for more info.


If the endpoint function has no other args besides doFetch, you can just pass false as the only arg.

const url = await GetAllMakes(false)

// url = ''

The following are workarounds so you don't have to pass undefined in place of intentionally undefined args.

If the function requires a path, and optional params:

// Without optional params
DecodeVinValues('WA1A4AFY2J2008189', undefined, false) 
DecodeVinValues('WA1A4AFY2J2008189', false) 

// With params
DecodeVinValues('WA1A4AFY2J2008189', { modelYear: 2018 }, false) 

If the function has no path and optional params:

// Without optional params
GetAllManufacturers(undefined, false) 

// With params
GetAllManufacturers({ manufacturerType: 'completed', page: 2 }, false) 

Option 2: Using useNHTSA

This package exports a function called useNHTSA, which returns an object of helper functions to build URL strings for the VPIC API.

Use useNHTSA.createUrl to get the URL string based on the endpoint name, path, and params.

createUrl creates and returns the URL string based on the endpoint name, path, and params.

You would essentially be using this package as a utility to build the URL string for the VPIC API with custom URL path and params. You would then use your own fetch implementation to make the request with the URL string.

const url = createUrl({
  endpointName: 'DecodeVin',
  path: 'WA1A4AFY2J2008189',
  params: { modelYear: 2018 },
// url = ''

This example uses Axios, but you can use Nitro, Express, etc.

If you're making a POST request, you can also use useNHTSA.createBody to build the request body properly formatted for the API.

There are other helper functions exported by useNHTSA but you don't need to use them in this context.


Using it this way won't make the request for you, nor will it handle the path and params in a smart and consistent way such as when using one of the endpoint methods directly (DecodeVin, etc.).

You will need to have some knowledge of the VPIC API url structure because each endpoint has a different path and required/optional params. You can see url examples for each endpoint in the official VPIC docs. The documentation for this package also includes examples of each endpoint and their required/optional params as well as what each final url will look like.

This is why method #1 described above is recommended over this one. It simplifies all of this for you and still ensures runtime type safety and consistency when building the VPIC URLs.

Released under the MIT License.