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Typescript Support

This package is designed for full typescript support and bundles it's own types. Types can be found in the @shaggytools/nhtsa-api-wrapper/dist/types. In most cases you shouldn't need to use them directly.

We've tried to be as accurate as possible typing the API responses based on testing real responses from the NHTSA API. Please report any discrepancies you may find and they will be fixed.

🔍 See Also:

Check out the API section for more details on each endpoint helper function and their return types.

Using Typescript

This package was designed with typescript support in mind and therefore should work out of the box with most modern code editors.

If for some reason you're not getting any type hints or code completion, or receive errors about not finding types for this package, you may need to add the following to your tsconfig.json file:

  "compilerOptions": {
    "types": ["@shaggytools/nhtsa-api-wrapper"]

There is the potential for some confusion when using the package with Typescript. This is due to the fact that the NHTSA API uses PascalCase for it's endpoint names, and Javascript conventions are to use camelCase for function names and PascalCase for classes/types.

In this package the endpoint wrapper functions aren't camelCased like most javascript functions, they are PascalCased. For example DecodeVin and GetAllMakes instead of decodeVin and getAllMakes.

The decision was made to name package endpoint functions with the same name and casing as the endpoints themselves, mostly for the sake of consistency between this package and the official VPIC documentation.

The package types are also PascalCased just like the endpoint functions. This can be confusing when importing from this package while using intellesense/code completion in your code editor as it will show the function names and types all grouped together in PascalCase. It may be hard to tell the difference between the function names and the types if you don't know what to look for.

Every endpoint function has a corresponding Results type with the same name and casing as the function. For example DecodeVin has a DecodeVinResults type, GetAllMakes has a GetAllMakesResults type, etc.

A few endpoints also have other associated types, such as DecodeVinExtendedVariable that describe possible Variable values found in the Results array of the DecodeVinExtended endpoint.

Exported Types

🔍 See Also:

The Typedocs - Types page lists all of the types this package exports and their structure.

You can find a full list of bundled types in the /dist/types directory on the UNPKG Homepage for this package.

All bundled types can be found in the @shaggytools/nhtsa-api-wrapper/dist/types directory. You shouldn't need to import them directly from /dist/types. Instead, you can import them directly from the package itself.

Here's an example of how to import specific types from this package:

// import types only
import type {
} from '@shaggytools/nhtsa-api-wrapper'

// or import types and functions at the same time
import {
  type DecodeVinResults,
  type GetAllMakesResults,
} from '@shaggytools/nhtsa-api-wrapper'

NHTSA API Response Types

The NHTSA VPIC API response is an object with the following structure:

type NhtsaResponse<T> = {
  Count: number
  Message: string
  Results: Array<T>
  SearchCriteria: string
  "Count": 136,
  "Message": "Results returned successfully ...",
    "Results": [
      "Make": "BMW",
      "Model": "X5",
      "ModelYear": "2011",
      "PlantCountry": "GERMANY",
  "SearchCriteria": "VIN(s): 5UXWX7C5*BA",

🔍 See Also:

The VPIC Response page has more details on the response returned by the VPIC API.

Note for Beginners

If you're new to Typescript, you may be wondering what 'full typescript support' means.

Having Typescript support means most modern code editors should let you know if you're missing any required args or parameters for each endpoint function. The responses will also be typed to match actual response JSON structure from the VPIC Vehicles API.

Even if you aren't using Typescript, you can still take advantage of the type hints and code completion automatically provided by your code editor, VSCode for example.

When you're using one of the endpoint functions, GetAllMakes for example, your code editor will allow you to hover over the function name and see the arguments the function accepts and what type they are expected to be. The "type structure" of the function will be visible to you in case you forget what the function expects. It will also show what the function returns.

You'll see Promise<NhtsaResponse<GetAllMakesResults> | string> is the return type in the case of GetAllMakes. This means that the function returns a Promise that resolves to either a NhtsaResponse object or a string. All of the endpoint functions return a similar type using their own Results array type.

Benefits of Typescript

We'll show some examples of how Typescript can help you avoid common mistakes and make you a more efficient developer.

For this example lets say you saved the return from the DecodeVin to a variable named data.

const data = await DecodeVin('1G1YY22G965105609')

The data variable is of type NhtsaResponse<DecodeVinResults>:

type NhtsaResponse<DecodeVinResults> = {
  Count: number
  Message: string
  Results: Array<DecodeVinResults>
  SearchCriteria: string

and DecodeVinResults is an array of objects with the following structure:

type DecodeVinResults = {
  Variable: string
  Value: string
  ValueId: number
  VariableId: number

If you were trying to access the first object in the array, you would see that Results[0].Variable is a string, and Results[0].ValueId is a number.

Using VSCode you could "peek" at all available keys in Results[0]. Either by typing the beginning like Results[0]. and then pressing Ctrl + i, or by hovering over and waiting for the popup to appear. This is what is known as "intellisense" or "code completion".

If you were to attempt accessing Results[0].Other you would see that it does not exist in type DecodeVinResults. Your code editor would let you know that you're trying to access a property that doesn't exist. In this way you can avoid common mistakes like typos and accessing properties that don't exist.

Similarly, if you saved the Results[0].ValueId value to a variable, your code editor will know that it's of type number and warn you if you try to use in ways that numbers can't be used, such as Results[0].ValueId.toUpperCase() or similar. You would be warned that toUpperCase does not exist on type number.

These are just some of the benefits of having Typescript support. The key takeaway is that it will help you avoid common mistakes and make you a more efficient developer. It can be adopted into an existing project gradually until you're more comfortable with using the full power of Typescript.

Released under the MIT License.