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Decoding Vehicle Identification Numbers (VIN)

The NHTSA API provides several endpoints for decoding VINs. This section will use the DecodeVinValues endpoint as an example, but the same principles apply to all DecodeVinXXX endpoints.

DecodeVinValues is the most commonly used endpoint for decoding VINs as it returns the data in a more usable format than the other endpoints called "flat file format". This format is easier to work with than the other endpoints, which return the data in a nested format and require additional processing to get the data into a usable format.

Decoding a VIN

Decode a VIN and store the full response in a variable called response:

import { DecodeVinValues } from '@shaggytools/nhtsa-api-wrapper'

const response = await DecodeVinValues('WA1A4AFY2J2008189')

response = {
  Count: 136,
  Message: 'Results returned successfully ...',
  Results: [ {...} ],
  SearchCriteria: 'VIN:WA1A4AFY2J2008189',

🔍 See: VPIC Response for more info on the response object

Response Object

The DecodeVinValues function returns a Promise that resolves to an object with the following properties:

  • Count - The number of results returned, if less than 1 then no results were returned
  • Message - A message from the API
  • Results - An array containing a single DecodeVinValuesResults object
  • SearchCriteria - The search criteria used to get the results, in this case the VIN

In the example above, response.Results is an array containing a single DecodeVinValuesResults object. This object is the decoded data for the VIN.

Accessing the Decoded Data

The following shows how to access and use the decoded data from the DecodeVinValues endpoint using several different methods.

  1. Get all properties of the first object in the Results array and save to a variable:
import { DecodeVinValues } from '@shaggytools/nhtsa-api-wrapper'

const response = await DecodeVinValues('WA1A4AFY2J2008189')

// Get the first object in the Results array, this is an object of type DecodeVinValuesResults
const decodedData = response.Results[0]

// Save the data to variables that you want to use
const year = decodedData.ModelYear
const make = decodedData.Make
const model = decodedData.Model
const engineHP = decodedData.EngineHP

  `The vehicle is a ${year} ${make} ${model} and it has ${engineHP} horsepower.`
  1. Using object destructuring syntax:
import { DecodeVinValues } from '@shaggytools/nhtsa-api-wrapper'

const { Count, Message, Results, SearchCriteria } = await DecodeVinValues(

// Destructure to get the specific data you want to use
const { ModelYear, Make, Model, EngineHP } = Results[0]

  `The vehicle is a ${ModelYear} ${Make} ${Model} and it has ${EngineHP} horsepower.`

🔍 See Also: VPIC API Endpoints

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