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useNHTSA Composable Function

const useNHTSA: () => {
  setCachedUrl: (url: string) => string
  getCachedUrl: () => string
  clearCachedUrl: () => string
  createCachedUrl: (input: CreateUrlOptions | string) => string
  createUrl: (options: CreateUrlOptions) => string
  createPostBody: (data: string) => string
  get: <T>(
    url?: string | CreateUrlOptions,
    options?: RequestInit & {
      saveUrl?: boolean
  ) => Promise<NhtsaResponse<T>>
  post: <T>(
    url?: string | CreateUrlOptions,
    options?: RequestInit & {
      saveUrl?: boolean
  ) => Promise<NhtsaResponse<T>>

⚠️ Important:

This package uses native fetch with no polyfill for older browsers or Node.js versions < 18. See This Package Uses Native Fetch for more details.

The only useNHTSA methods that use native fetch are get and post.

useNHTSA returns an object containing helper functions for working with the NHTSA VPIC API. It is used internally by the package and by users to make direct requests to the VPIC API.

It contains functions for making HTTP requests to the VPIC API. All request methods return a Promise that resolves to an object containing the full response data. See the VPIC API Response page for more info on the full response returned by the request functions.

It also contains functions for building and returning the URL string for the VPIC API endpoints.


The functions returned by the composable are:

  • setCachedUrl - Directly sets the URL internal state, does not build URL nor check if URL is valid.

  • getCachedUrl - Gets the URL stored in internal state.

  • clearCachedUrl - Clears the URL stored in internal state.

  • createCachedUrl - Builds the URL string and stores it in internal state. If input is a string the URL is stored directly without being built or validated.

  • createUrl - Returns a built URL string but does not store it in internal state.

  • createPostBody - Creates a POST body string from an object of key/value pairs.

  • get - Makes a GET request, uses the internal url variable if no URL is provided.

  • post - Makes a POST request, uses the internal url variable if no URL is provided.

Internal State

It's important to note that each instance of useNHTSA has its own isolated internal state.

Each of the following calls to useNHTSA returns a different instance of the function with its own internal state. This means you can cache multiple URL strings at the same time without them interfering with each other's internal state.

const useNHTSA1 = useNHTSA().cacheUrl('ABC123')
const useNHTSA2 = useNHTSA().cacheUrl('DEF456')
const useNHTSA3 = useNHTSA().cacheUrl('GHI789')

console.log(useNHTSA1.getCachedUrl()) // ABC123
console.log(useNHTSA2.getCachedUrl()) // DEF456
console.log(useNHTSA3.getCachedUrl()) // GHI789

The following demonstrates how the internal state works. All of the code is using the same composable instance declared at the top of the example, and therefore the same internal state.

Assume that all of the of the following code is in the same file/function, executed in sequence going from top to bottom of the file/function.

const { get, post, createCachedUrl, clearCachedUrl, createUrl, getCachedUrl } =

// create a VPIC url with your custom options, does not cache url
const urlString = createUrl({ ...options })

// fetches urlString, but saveUrl = false, so does not cache url
get(urlString, { saveUrl: false })

// Error, url still undefined, no cached url

// returns undefined, still no cached url

// Works as expected, url string is cached in composable instance

// even though get() cached the url, post() does not use it because you're providing a url string
post('', { body: 'some data' })

// returns last cached url -

// this has no effect, the url is never saved nor used as a variable
createUrl({ ...options })

// fetches from earlier cache -- BAD!

// caches and returns new custom url in composable instance
createCachedUrl({ ...options })

// fetches url cached during the preceding createCachedUrl() call

// returns url cached during the preceding createCachedUrl() call

// clears the cached url

// no url cached, cleared in previous setp, will error due to undefined url

// fetches urlString and caches it in composable instance, overwriting previous url

// uses url cached during the preceding get() call and makes the same request



  • endpointName - The name of the endpoint to use, see VPIC API Endpoints (required)

  • path - The final path to use in the full url path (default: "")

  • params - An object of query string params to include in the url (default: {})

  • allowEmptyParams - If true, empty params will be included in the query string (default: false)

  • includeQueryString - If true, the query string will be included in the url (default: true)

  • saveUrl - If true, the url will be cached in the composable instance (default: true for createCachedUrl and false for createUrl)

Parameters for get and post:

url - either a full url string or an object of type CreateUrlOptions as described above

  • required if there is no url cached in the composable instance

  • if an object is provided, createCachedUrl will be called with the object to build the url before making the request

  • if a string is provided, it is assumed the string is a full url and it will be stored in the instance as such before making the request

options - An object of type <{ body?: string, saveUrl: boolean } & RequestInit>

Options for createCachedUrl and createUrl are a single object of type CreateUrlOptions:

  • endpointName - The name of the endpoint to use, see NHTSA API Endpoints (required)

  • path - The final path to use in the full url path (default: '')

  • params - An object of query string params to include in the url (default: {})

  • allowEmptyParams - If true, empty params will be included in the query string (default: false)

  • includeQueryString - If true, the query string will be included in the url (default: true)

  • saveUrl - If true, the url will be cached in the composable instance (default: true)

How This Composable Works

When you call useNHTSA(), it returns an object containing methods you can use to interact with the NHTSA API. Each time you call useNHTSA(), a new instance of the composable is created and returned. This means you can call useNHTSA() multiple times and each instance will have its own internal state.

This is also why you must call createUrl() before making a request, so that the URL is stored in the instance's internal state. You can also pass CreateUrlOptions directly to get() and post() and they will call createCachedUrl() for you before making the request.

You can either destructure the methods you want to use from the returned object, or you can call them directly on the returned object. If you want to reuse the same instance of the composable, you should destructure the methods you want to use from one call to useNHTSA() and use them directly.

For example, the following are equivalent in regards to base functionality:

import { useNHTSA } from '@shaggytools/nhtsa-api-wrapper'

// destructure the methods you want to use from the returned object
const { get, post, createCachedUrl, createUrl, getCachedUrl } = useNHTSA()

const url = ''

// uses the same instance of the composable each time
const getData = get(url)
const postData = post(url)
const cachedUrl = createCachedUrl({ ...options })
const ephemeralUrl = createUrl({ ...options })

// this variable would be undefined if there were no url cached, but in the flow of this example there is a url cached from the preceding call to createCachedUrl() and it will return that one
const mostRecentUrl = getCachedUrl()
import { useNHTSA } from '@shaggytools/nhtsa-api-wrapper'

const url = ''

// uses a new instance of the composable each time, each with its own internal state so the url will be different for each one
const getData = useNHTSA().get(url)
const postData = useNHTSA().post(url)
const cachedUrl = useNHTSA().createCachedUrl({ ...options })
const tempUrl = useNHTSA().createUrl({ ...options })

// in this flow the following would error as it's a new instance with no cached url
const someOtherUrl = useNHTSA().getCachedUrl()

Note that neither createCachedUrl nor createUrl are called automatically by get or post methods. You must call them yourself before making a request or provide get and post with the pre-built url as an argument.

You can pass CreateUrlOptions directly to get() and post() as options and they will call createCachedUrl() for you before making the request with the custom url built from the options.

This means if you call get or post without first calling createCachedUrl or createUrl, or providing a valid argument to get or post, an Error will be returned saying that the url is undefined.

Example Usage

Note that {...options} is an object of type CreateUrlOptions in these examples.

The following demonstrates how to use the composable to make multiple requests to different endpoints using the same instance of the composable:

import type { CreateUrlOptions } from '@shaggytools/nhtsa-api-wrapper'

const { createUrl, get } = useNHTSA()

// DecodeVinValues example options
const decodeVinOptions: CreateUrlOptions = {
  endpointName: 'DecodeVinValues',
  path: '5UXWX7C5*BA', // VIN is the path in this endpoint
  params: { modelYear: 2009 }, // optional query string params specific to this endpoint

/* GetAllMakes is a different endpoint, so we need a different url, this one is simple and doesn't
   require a path or params */
const getAllMakesOptions: CreateUrlOptions = {
  endpointName: 'GetAllMakes',

// First decode the vin
createCachedUrl({ ...decodeVinOptions }) // create a url to fetch DecodeVinValues and cache it
const vehicleInfo = get() // make the request to DecodeVinValues using the url from the cache

// Then reuse the composable instance to get all makes
createCachedUrl({ ...getAllMakesOptions }) // create a new url to fetch GetAllMakes and cache it
const allMakes = get() // make the request to GetAllMakes using the url from the cache

get and post accept a full url string

const { createUrl, get, post } = useNHTSA()

// create a url string with options
const urlString = createUrl({ ...options })
// use the url string
const response1 = get(urlString)

// or full url string directly, truncated for brevity
const response2 = post('https://.../DecodeVinValuesBatch', {
  body: '5UXWX7C5*BA',

get and post accept an object of type CreateUrlOptions to build the url string automatically.

const { get, post } = useNHTSA()

const response1 = get({ ...options })
const response2 = get({ ...differentOptions })

const postResponse = post(
  { endpointName: 'DecodeVinValuesBatch' },
  { body: '5UXWX7C5*BA' }

get and post accept a second argument of type RequestInit & { saveUrl?: boolean } to pass options to the fetch request.

const { get, post } = useNHTSA()

const response1 = get({ ...options }, { saveUrl: false })

const postResponse = post(
  { endpointName: 'DecodeVinValuesBatch' },
  { body: '5UXWX7C5*BA', saveUrl: false }

Use createCachedUrl to save the url to the instance state and call get or post without arguments. Will use the cached url from the most recent createCachedUrl call.

const { createUrl, createCachedUrl, get, post } = useNHTSA()

const urlString = createUrl({ ...options }) // doesn't save to internal state

The following demonstrates the flow of use, we're omitting saving to variables for brevity.
Technically this would still work if you're just trying to make a request and don't care
about saving the results to variables.

get(urlString, { saveUrl: false }) // uses the url string but doesn't save it to internal state
get() // errors because no url is cached

createCachedUrl({ ...otherOptions }) // saves url to internal state, also returns the url string
get() // uses the url from the most recent createUrl() call

get(urlString) // use the urlString variable, and save it to the internal state
get() // uses the urlString variable as it was saved to the internal state

You could do this if you don't need to build the URL first:

const { get, post } = useNHTSA()


post('', { body: 'some data' })

Create URLs for GET Endpoints

This is a simplified example of using this package as a VPIC URL builder ONLY. This example uses axios as the fetch implementation, but you can use any fetch implementation you want.

The purpose of this example is to show how to use createUrl() to get a VPIC URL string and then use your own fetch implementation to make the request.

We're using the createUrl function as it does not store the URL in internal state and simplifies the examples. createCachedUrl works in a similar way but stores the URL in internal state for later use.

Example (using axios as the fetch implementation):

import { useNHTSA } from '@shaggytools/nhtsa-api-wrapper'
import axios from 'axios' // or any other fetch implementation

// composable destructuring
const { createUrl } = useNHTSA()

// alternatively: useNHTSA().createUrl({ ... })
const url = createUrl({
  endpointName: 'DecodeVin',
  path: 'WA1A4AFY2J2008189',
  params: { modelYear: 2018 },

// url = ''

const response = await axios.get(url)

To explain the above example:

  • endpointName

    const url = createUrl({
      endpointName: 'DecodeVin', 
      path: 'WA1A4AFY2J2008189',
      params: { modelYear: 2018 },

    Name of NHTSA API endpoint you're trying to use. DecodeVin in the example above. It's not required for it to have uppercase letters, all lowercase is fine or a mix of both.

  • path

    const url = createUrl({
      endpointName: 'DecodeVin',
      path: 'WA1A4AFY2J2008189', 
      params: { modelYear: 2018 },

    In this example path is the VIN you are searching. Each endpoint is different, so you will need to know the path for each. You can see examples of the paths for each endpoint in the VPIC API docs. Path is the last part of the url path, before the query string.

  • params

const url = createUrl({
  endpointName: 'DecodeVin',
  path: 'WA1A4AFY2J2008189',
  params: { modelYear: 2018 }, 

The params are query string parameters to use for the endpoint, in this case modelYear=2011. Keep in mind, params will be unique to each endpoint, some have required params, some have none.

All of the above will result in the following url:


url =

const results = await axios.get(url)

The return from createUrl will be a full url string similar to the one above. You can then use your own fetch implementation to make the request. In this example, we use axios.

Some additional things to note:

  • format=json will always be appended to the final query string that is built for you. This is the only VPIC response format supported by this package.

  • If the endpoint doesn't require a path or params you can omit those keys and just provide endpointName.

Create URLs for POST Endpoints


DecodeVinValuesBatch is the only endpoint that uses a POST request.

VPIC POST requests require the post body to be a specially formatted string and certain headers set. The helper functions (DecodeVinValuesBatch) would handle this for you automatically, but if you use createUrl() to get the URL string and then use your own fetch implementation, you will need to handle this yourself.

Here is a simplified example of how to make a POST request with your own fetch implementation.

The differences between this example and the GET example above are highlighted below.

import { useNHTSA } from '@shaggytools/nhtsa-api-wrapper'
import axios from 'axios'

const { createUrl, createPostBody } = useNHTSA()

const url = createUrl({
  endpointName: 'DecodeVinValuesBatch',
  includeQueryString: false

const body = createPostBody('5UXWX7C5*BA; 5UXWX7C5*BB')
// body = "DATA=5UXWX7C5*BA;%205UXWX7C5*BB&format=json "

const headers = {
  'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'

// use your own fetch implementation to make the POST request, axios in this example
const response = await, body, { headers })

It requires a few things:

  • Create the URL string with createUrl() and set includeQueryString: false

  • Create the POST body with createPostBody(), you should give it a string as described in the DecodeVinValuesBatch documentation of this package.

  • Set the Content-Type header to application/x-www-form-urlencoded

  • Use your own fetch implementation to make the request, axios in this example

When using createUrl in this way for a POST request, you should set includeQueryString = false. This is so that '&format=json' will NOT be included in the params, and thus in the url query string, which would cause the POST request to error.

Using createPostBody will append '&format=json' to the final body string, which is required for POST requests to respond in JSON format. It will also perform encodeURI() on the body string to ensure it is encoded properly for the request.

Both of the above are handled for you when using the endpoint methods directly, such as DecodeVinValuesBatch().

Released under the MIT License.